.Net Core 3 – create Web Api like a pro!

Let me show you how to create Web Apis from the first line of code, to the fully-featured application in the Azure cloud. I will show you step by step how to build and deploy Web Api and share with you practical knowledge about: the internals and mechanisms of .Net Core 3.1 using Dependency Injection […]

.Net Core Global Tools – your custom app from nuget package

I love .net core. It is an awesome concept and a great, light framework to work with. One essential part of the framework environment is a .Net Core CLI. It’s a set of cross-platform tools and commands that can create, build and publish you app. Along with the platform comes also Global Tools, a concept […]

.Net Core – introduction

A .Net Core is a catchphrase that you can hear more and more often in both developer discussions and job offers. You probably already heard that it’s fast, simple and runs on multiple platforms. In this post, I’d like to sum everything up and highlight what I like the most about it. Why new framework? […]

O tym jak stworzyłem… stronę z kamperami!

W 2019 roku w ciągu 2 miesięcy stworzyłem stronę bookacamper.pl, największą w Polsce tablicę ogłoszeń o wynajmie i sprzedaży przyczep kempingowych i kamperów. Strona jest całkowicie darmowa i ma po prostu pomóc w odnalezieniu tego jedynego, najlepszego pojazdu:) Narodziny miłości do kempingów Od czasu kiedy pierwszy raz wypożyczyłem kampera i poleciałem z rodziną do odległej […]

Code review #4 – in-memory caching

This is a post on a series about great code review feedback, that I either gave or received. You can go ahead and read the previous ones here: https://www.michalbialecki.com/2019/06/21/code-reviews/ The context Caching is an inseparable part of ASP.net applications. It is the mechanism that makes our web pages loading blazing fast with a very little […]

Postman the right way

Postman is a great tool to quickly create a request and run it against your API. This is a flexible tool created to make your work simpler. You can save you requests, define variables for different environments and share it with your team. Today I’ll show you the most useful and practical features of Postman. […]

Code reviews

This is a series about great code reviews, that I either gave or received. Code reviews are crucial for code quality and I strongly recommend you to have it in your company. Two heads are always better than one, especially in an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual learning. I have pleasure and luck to work […]