Using Egnyte.API package for connecting to Egnyte cloud storage

Egnyte is a company, that offers secure and fast file storage in the cloud for business customers. I have written more about getting started with Egnyte API in my previous post. Egnyte.API is a nuget package, that I’ve written in .Net and it supports: .Net Framework 4.5 Windows Phone 8.1 Xamarin It contains support for […]

Getting started with Egnyte API in .Net

Egnyte is a company that provides software for enterprise file synchronization and sharing. Egnyte offers a cloud storage for business users to securely access and share data across the company. API offers RESTful interface, all request and responses are formated as JSON, strings are encoded as UTF-8 and all calls must be done over HTTPS. […]

Implementing OData in ASP.Net API

OData is a protocol that allows creating custom queries to simple REST services. Using OData query parameters you can filter, sort or transform output you’re getting to fit your needs without any implementation changes on the API side. It sounds groundbreaking and innovative and it actually is, but it’s not a new thing – Microsoft […]

Getting started with CosmosDB in Azure with .NET Core

CosmosDB is Microsoft’s new way of storing data in the cloud, comparing to good old MSSQL Server. It offers globally distributed, multi-model database. Interesting fact is that it offers multiple model of storing data: key-value, column-family, documents and graph as shown in this picture: First you need a Cosmos DB account Create a Cosmos DB […]

Sending a Azure Service Bus message in ASP.NET core

ASP.NET Core is a open-source web framework that everyone are so excited about recently. There are some good arguments to be excited about it: ability to run on Windows, macOS and Linux, ability to host website in IIS, Nginx, Apache and Docker and it’s fast. Can it be used for Service Bus scenarios? Yes, it […]

Custom data source in Application Insights

Application Insights(AI) is a park of Azure clous services, that gathers application telemetry data and is able to show it with nice charts. User can also query gathered data to create custom reports. To gather telemetry data user must only enable it in Visual Studio. Detailed instructions can be found here: Creating custom data source […]

Send messages in batch without exceeding a limit

Service Bus allows user to send messages in batches, which is great what it comes to performance. Differences sending messages in batches and separately can be huge. Actually, lets look at an example. This is a very simple send: private static void SimpleSendBatch() { var client = GetQueueClient(); client.SendBatch(GetALotOfMessages()); } If we compare it to […]

Getting messages from Service Bus queue

In the previous post I discussed how to implement sending messages. In this post I will show how to receive messages. The simplest code looks like this: static void GetMessage() { try { var queueClient = GetQueueClient(); var message = queueClient.Receive(); Console.WriteLine(“Received a message: ” + message.GetBody<string>()); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(“An exception occured: […]